Local installation of the Co-Developer GPT Engine

You can either grab a release from Github or build the tool locally. In addition to that you will have to register it with ChatGPT - either as a ChatGPT plugin or as a GPT. As a precondition it has to be reachable with https from the internet (or, more specifically, ChatGPT's servers) - see the corresponding documentation.

Download a release

You will find the latest release on it's release page on Github - the release description contains a link to the executable jar file. For starting it could the script bin/codeveloperengine as an example how to run that downloaded jar. It needs to be run in the directory you want to access, so you might want to put that into your PATH.

Run it from the source

As an alternative to downloading it, you can check out the source and build the program with bin/codeveloperengine-buildStable in that directory and run it with bin/codeveloperengine from the directory you want to access with ChatGPT.