public static final String |
"Found no occurrences of pattern.\nPossible actions to fix the problem:\n - Re-read the file - it might be different than you think.\n - Use literalSearchString instead of specifying a pattern. That is less error prone.\n - Think out of the box and use a completely different pattern, match something else or use a different way to reach your goal. You can use all advanced regex features to create a short but precise pattern.\nCommon errors:\n - (.*) does not match newlines - ((?s).*?) does.\n - replaceWithGroupReferences might have already broken something because of backslash escaping rules - think of how Matcher.appendReplacement works.\nSome ideas for advanced constructs for the pattern:\n - \\A matches the start of the file\n - \\z matches the end of the file\n - you can match backslashes with . in the pattern, to avoid potential errors due to missed backslash escaping\n - (?<=something) matches the point after \'something\', without matching \'something\' itself - good for adding after a certain string\n - (?=something) matches the point before \'something\', good for inserting before a certain string" |